Sing the Sound You Hear
Sing the sound you hear
The first thing that comes into your ear
If you hear a sound and you know the word
Sing the sound you’ve heard
We’re traveling in a car moving right along
Outside we hear the bird singing a happy song
It’s a great day to be travelin’; we hope it doesn’t rain
But if some thunder we should hear
We’ll be singin’ just the same
Overhead we hear a plane flying high today
Hear the fire truck sound its siren moving on its way
Everyone’s going somewhere, except that big ol’ cow
It won’t be long till we get there, so sing
Sing along right now!
A chicken is crossing the road
So we’ll stop and blow our horn
The horn wakes up a dog
He’s been there since early morn
The chicken wakes up the duck
That was fast asleep [snore]
The chicken jumps up on the big brown cow
The horse jumps over the big white lamb