Animal Clue Game

Prepare about 40 clue cards.  Each card should have one clue on it to one of four animals’ identities.  Shuffle the cards and distribute them among players.


Each player reads their (first) card.  Their goal is to match their card with other cards describing the same animal.  Upon reading the card, each player will make an assumption as to which animal they might be.  (e.g. A card reading “You are warm-blooded and have four feet and a tail” might lead a player to believe his card describes a bear.)  Players should call out the name of their animal in order to find other players with the same card.  A player may realize they’ve made a mistake in identifying their animals when no other players respond to their calls.  At this point, that player should try another animal and listen for other players’ choices that may fit their card as well.


When players connect, they should choose one player to be in charge of the cards for that animal.  This allows a player with multiple cards to focus on the next card and leave someone else in charge.


When all characteristics have successfully been ascribed to their animals, have each group read off a few of the most interesting clues for their animal.


*Note:  When writing clues for the animals you’ve chosen, be sure to distinguish clues enough so that they will not apply to more than one of the animals.